A forum for parents, teachers, and administrators to discuss a variety of issues concerning Fredericksburg City Schools.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Counselors are too busy?

I received this comment from a concerned parent today. Maybe one of our counselors or administrators out there could provide an answer to her concerns.
Are our counselors too overworked to take time to see our children?

Hi, I'm concerned about the amount of time testing is taking from guidance counselors. My daughter was in a difficult situation at school (a city school not walker grant) and I was told the guidance counselor would see her once a week. That never happened, and the guidance counselor prevaricated about the situation when I asked her how my daughter was doing. Several months later when confronted with the fact she had not seen my daughter even once, she told me she was too busy with testing to actually do what she promised. The principal did nothing about this situation after I told him my daughter was not being seen. The superintendent did nothing when told about the situation. Just sign me discouraged mom.

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